Is it possible to take delight in everyday life? What is delight? Is it a feeling? And experience? A way of being?
Of the light…
And how is it possible to be delighted? Of what benefit?
Contemplate what gives you a feeling of delight, what makes you delighted – whatever that means to you. Allow yourself to be immersed in a memory of experiencing delight…. the birth of a new human being, picking and eating fresh, home grown tomatoes, listening to a favourite piece of music, breaking into uncontrollable laughter, and on and on. What delights you may be different from what delights anyone else… but there do seem to be some common denominators.
What does it feel like? Where is it felt? Is it something you might like to cultivate? Can it be cultivated?
Experiment with bringing to mind (and heart) the memory-feeling of that which delights you. Are you able to call it up? Can it be sustained? How might it be valuable to practice being delighted? To delight others?
Try smiling at perfect strangers on the street, in the grocery store, or wherever you go. What happens?
My experience is a state of warmth and openness in my heart centre, and a lightness in my ‘being’. I endeavour to become more and more familiar with this ability to be totally present, open, and appreciative now. I suspect it might serve me (and others) very well…. especially at the time of death.