Palliative Care Grief Support Group
Contact: Roy Ellis 473-1622
CDHA/IWK Teen Support Group
Contact: Roy Ellis 473-1622
Grace MacConnell 470-7984
Eastern Shore Grief and Loss Groups
Contact: Jan Rowlings 889-4181
IWK Children and Teens Support Groups
Contact: Grace MacConnell 470-7984
IWK Pregnancy & Newborn Loss Group
Contact: Colleen Quinn 470-8149
Heavens Angels Support Group – Dartmouth
Contact: Nathalie Brun-Keogan 404-8866
IWK Bereaved Parent Support Group
Contact: Vince MacDonald 462-4050
Hospice Halifax/ Bedford Drop-In Groups
Contact: Hospice Office 446-0920
Widows in Self-Help (WISH) Halifax
Contact: Mary Holland 443-1486
Widows in Self-Healing (WISH) Sackville
Contact: Charlene Nolan 864-5591
St. Andrews Grief Support Group – East. Pass
Contact: Susan Duggan 465-7873
St. John Vianney Grief Group – Sackville
Contact: Pearl Berriman: 445-9227
Contact: Judith Fraser 864-2778
Survivors of Suicide
Contact: George Tomie 835-3812
Bereavement Support Group
Contact: Daneen Atkinson-Dakin 826-1666
Mothers of Angels – Fall River
Contact: Tanya Barnett 542-9757
Colchester East Hants Hospice Society – Truro
Contact: 902-893-3265
Mothers of Angels – Amherst
Contact: Marilyn Williams 902-597-3053
Mothers of Angels – Bridgewater
Contact: Lynn Roberts 902-5431702
Friends in Bereavement – Annapolis Valley
Contact: Jennifer Longley 902-681-8239
Contact: Carol Ward 902-665-4804
Healing and Hope – Cumberland County
Contact: Terry Lynn Smith 902-667-5400 Ext6428
Bereaved Families of Cape Breton
Contact: Susan Plath 902-564-6795
A Circle of Friends – Kentville
Contact: Neil Kennedy 902-679-2657 Ext 3115
Mom’s of Children Passed – Annapolis Valley
Contact: Sherry Bigelow 902-365-5210
GriefShare – New Minas Baptist Church
Contact: 902-681-7683
Family Caregiver Support Groups – HRM
Contact: Lynn Butler (902) 421-7390
Family Caregivers of Pictou County – Sherbrooke
Contact: Nan Mackenzie (902) 755-3113
Caregivers Support Group – Yarmouth
Contact: Derrick Babin (902) 742-4512
Caregiver Support Group – New Minas
Contact Doris Davidson (902) 542-1503